Transition Piece (TP) is the upper part of the Monopile is connected to the wind turbine tower through flanges and bolts. Product Range and Capacity Diameter: up to 12 m Wall thickness: up to 150 mm Production rate: 4 sets per month
Our segment factory can join tubulars into pin piles or jacket segments for offshore structures. Product Range and Capacity Diameter: up to 15 m Wall thickness: up to 197 mm Length: up to 120 m Weight: up to 600 ton Capacity: 10,000 ton per month
Our tubular factory can be assembled into jackets or pin piles or other offshore structures. Product Range and Capacity Diameter: up to 15 m Wall thickness: up to 197 mm Length: JCO line: 12,000㎜/ single pipe or can Roll bending line: 4,200㎜/ single pipe or can Capacity: 10,000 ton per month
Monopile (MP) consist of a central support tube, which is piled into the seabed, this structure provides secure stability. Monopile foundation has the advantage that it is relatively quick to install and that no major preparatory work is necessary on the seabed. Another advantage is the low maintenance after installation. Product Range and Capacity Diameter: […]
The wind tower is a main part of the wind turbine. SRE is an experienced wind tower supplier from Vietnam. Product Range and Capacity Diameter: up to 12 m Wall thickness: up to 150 mm Production rate: 4 sets per month