Dienltm | 04/12/2024 On December 04th 2023, Southern Renewable and Green Energy Company Limited (SRE) has been successfully finished its IRATA stage 2 audit, temporary become the 1st local Training Membership Company(TMC) in Vietnam. This is key milestone contributing an important part to the development of IRATA rope access labor force in Vietnam. IRATA is an acronym […]
Dienltm | 05/05/2024 Ngày 04/5/2024, tại Rayong, Thái Lan đã diễn ra Hội nghị ủy ban cố vấn IRATA khu vực Đông Nam Á (IRATA South East Asia RAC Meeting 2024). Ủy ban Cố vấn IRATA Khu vực Đông Nam Á (SEARAC) đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc đại diện […]
Dienltm | 07/03/2024 At SRE Training Center, we understand that quality training is not only just about certification, but also paying attention to every smallest detail to ensure your highest safety. Come to join our IRATA Rope access courses for equiping you with unparalleled skills and knowledge, ensuring that safety is always the first priority.
Dienltm | 23/01/2024 Thông báo mở lớp “Khóa đào tạo Kỹ thuật viên đu dây tiếp cận theo tiêu chuẩn IRATA cấp độ 1″ tại SRE Training Center. Chúng tôi xin trân trọng thông báo thông tin chào giá Khóa đào tạo Kỹ thuật viên đu dây tiếp cận theo tiêu chuẩn IRATA cấp độ […]
Dienltm | 03/01/2024 Southern Renewable and Green Energy Company Limited(SRE) has passed its recent Trainer probationary audit and is now an IRATA Probationary Trainer member with Membership number 3145/T From now on, participants who would like to get IRATA certificates can choose SRE Training Center for taking part in IRATA training courses. IRATA TRAINING COURSES […]